From the Library homepage select Library Classic Catalog
'Refine Results' -The catalog will search Widener's 3 Library locations, use our Widener Chester campus
by searching for Location = Wolfgram Circulation.
'Menu dashes' on top left corner to select 'Browse' > Call Numbers.
Type your particular call number in the search box under "call number browse".
The result list will provide a few call numbers before and after your request.
* 'Browse this Shelf' offers the call numbers of books from all 3 Widener campus libraries.
Additional Information:
- Call Numbers are arranged by the Library of Congress Classification System using broad subject headings by a letter, then sub-class letters/numbers, then author's last initial and sub-numbers, and the year published.
- Location of Call Number offers the floor location at the top with the following abbreviation:
- CIRCULATION = circulation collection on Wolfgram Library 3rd floor
- *GREENE = a special poetry collection on Wolfgram Library's 3rd floor corner in Greene Poetry Room
- REFERENCE = reference collection on Wolfgram Library's 2nd floor (Main level)
- CURRICULUM = curriculum collection on Wolfgram Library's 4th floor (children's books)
- SERIAL= serial collection are the hardcopy journals on Wolfgram Library's 1st floor
- ARCHIVES = archive collection - ask at front Library Information Desk
- M TAX Circ= tax collection on Wolfgram Library's 4th floor.
- Library Building refers to Widener's 3 Libraries:
Wolfgram Library =Chester campus
Widener Delaware Law campus
Widener Law Commonwealth Library (Harrisburg campus)
NOTE: The following explains the Library of Congress Call Numbering Systems by shelf order.